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Zankel Building First Floor, Rose Alcove

Chelsea Knight

Teachers College, Columbia University, 2018

HD Video, 21 minutes

This narrative audio video guide, created as a commissioned work for the Unleashing exhibition, leads exhibition visitors through the unique, labyrinthine spaces of Teachers College, in whose halls the exhibition is located. The guide includes audio recordings from nine interviews with employees of the college, who share personal narratives about how they came to the college, their work, and their perspectives on life.


Exploring the interior spaces of the institution alongside personal and professional narratives from the participants, the video is part of a larger project by the artist, investigating institutional spaces and the voices of those who make these spaces function.

View the video here:

Burçak Bingöl

Follower, 2017

Produced for 15th Istanbul Biennial


35 x 33 x 10 cm

Created originally for the 15th Istanbul Biennial, Follower responds to Istanbul’s culture of surveillance as well as to the tradition of ceramics and craft.Works in the series Follower are experiments in dissemblance and stealth, in which tradition becomes a means of camouflage or disguise…. In the work, the implicit weaponry of the surveillance camera is neutralized by the imagery of flowers, and turned fragile and even beautiful. The work tracks not only the viewer, but also the memory of public, social and environmental spaces, while inverting the relationship between viewer and viewed. Even the rapidly changing appearance of Istanbul owes much to the historical legacy of craft – and can be seen as an ode to traditional techniques as well as a form of resisting or negating the technologies that are set against them in contemporary contexts. Excerpt from the catalogue of 15th İstanbul Biennial by Pablo Larios

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